
February Food

For February we peeled ourselves a Pomelo. It's alot like a grapefruit ~ but on steroids!  Mine was a yellow colour but I have seen pictures of green ones as well.  They have a thick skin but it's pretty easy to peel and eat!  I watched this youtube video to...

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Budget Bliss

OK, maybe not bliss. More like, "stink I'm glad that's done!".  I just finished our budget for 2013.  Yes I realize ...

Folk Music Native Love

You might remember that I posted one of Sierra Noble's video's way back in 2009.  You can see that post HERE.  Well ...

Holy Exploding Food Batman!

When I saw this on Pinterest I really didn't think it would work.  How can something be so simple, and SO exciting.  I ...

Stash Update!

Ok, I have made some progress in my wool AND fabric stashes!  First I went through all my yarn and gave away a large ...