
Dogs Shall Not Pass....

We have two dogs that don't respect the "Don't sleep on my bed" rule, OR the "don't drink out of the toilet" rule, or the "don't chew up my lego" rule.  For that reason we found it necessary to put a piece of plywood across the bottom of...

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I'm a Draft Dodger!

It's FREEZING.  Like minus 30 degrees freezing. So last night I whipped this up for the front door where it seemed we ...

Homemade Caramel Recipe

Every year I try to make some things to give away at Christmas.  2013 I opted for Homemade Caramels, Peanut Brittle ...

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2014!  At midnight I was standing outside looking at this.... No moon, no clouds,(no writing) just stars ...