
Conviction Hits Reality

We don't celebrate Halloween.  It was a decision Dave and I made when we got married and we have stuck by it for the most part.  When our kids were in school there were dress-up days and a few churches we attended had "Harvest Parties", but they have...

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This morning I woke up to a mouse sized skating rink on top of my pumpkin.  I couldn't help picturing it in my mind ...


BEFOREAFTERWell we have owned our 76 acres for one year now! The time has just flown by which is suprising considering ...

Easy Hat Pattern to Knit.

My friend Allie requested an easy hat pattern to knit. This used to be my favorite pattern but I must admit I started ...

World Vegetarian Day!

Happy World Vegetarian Day! Don't believe me? Check it out HERE!! So when you're planning out your meals today... skip ...