
Moose Relocation Program

by - December 15, 2014

We have finally relocated, phew, done.  Now I have to admit there are a few boxes kicking around still, and my office looks a bit like a tornado, but things are shaping up nicely.

We moved on November 1st, and I can almost see our old place from my kitchen window now that the trees have no leaves, so we didn't move far!!

We got in just in time because November and December here have seen a lot of this....

Luckily we just installed one of these....
(The woodstove, not the dog)

The cat has found a new favorite spot among my collection of coffee pots.

This is what the front yard looked like on Thursday morning...

This is what I looked like by Thursday at noon...

Sometimes life is hard to understand.  But I'm really happy I managed to get so much unpacking done before this happened!
Enjoy yourselves... but watch that ice!

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  1. hey girl...cant wait to be invited for a house warming....I may just have to come earlier and crash yer pad!!! Hope you recover nicely by your roaring fire
