
Food Resolution ~ January

Ok, I didn't go wild and crazy for my first month of this new food journey.  I'm dragging my family along for the ride and figured it was best to throw them in the shallow end rather than the deep one!  We started with a young coconut.  No,...

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Seed Sales 2013

I know it seems wrong to be picking out seeds when it's below zero but I already have a bunch of my seed catalogues ...

Super Easy Squares ~ my new favorite!

Just before Christmas I came across this recipe for Chocolate Peanut Butter Squares on Pinterest.  They are awesome!  ...

Resolution Part 3

OK so here's a final resolution for this year... and it's a food related one!  I want to try one new food every ...

Resolutions Part 2

Well I liked the first Resolution so much (see here) I'm reinventing it with a small edit... 2. FABRIC STASH!  I have ...

Resolutions Part 1

Every year I try to make some ATTAINABLE resolutions for the new year.  You know, clean my bathroom, give the dog a ...

New Year Do-Over!

I've declared a New Year's do-over at my house.  My youngest got sick on the 1st, followed by my oldest, followed by ...