
Moose Relocation Program

We have finally relocated, phew, done.  Now I have to admit there are a few boxes kicking around still, and my office looks a bit like a tornado, but things are shaping up nicely. We moved on November 1st, and I can almost see our old place from...

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Trip to The Enchanted Forest Studio

My husband and I took a trip to The Enchanted Forest Studio for the Westport Studio Tour.  Our friend David R. Maracle ...

Mailbox Makeover

Happy Fall to you all!  Thought I would post some pictures of my latest project! Our mailbox has been in some need of ...


I love this time of year when everything is growing, blooming, and so alive! My lavender is doing really well this ...

Storm Front & Quivering puppys

We had quite the storm front come through tonight.  Threats of tornado's and hail ~ we got thunder, lightning, and ...


I recently rediscovered charcoal.  I love working with it.  I had forgotten. If you've never used it I highly ...

Life Emerging

Happy Easter/Passover! Been spending some time out in Creation enjoying watching it wake up from this winter ...

Overnight Oatmeal ~ love it.

I'm sure you've seen this floating around facebook.  I decided to try after my 28 day Clean Gut cleanse as a way of ...

Make Your Own Suet Cakes

I remember when suet cakes were less than a dollar each.  I realize I sound like some old woman complaining about the ...

Permanent Doodles

My father will tell you I'm a doodler.  Every piece of paper left on the kitchen table became unrecognizable if I was ...

Gluten Free Quinoa Cake

Following my gluten-free lifestyle change I tried this for a party I was going to.... Gluten Free Chocolate Cake *turn ...

Clean Your Gut ~ finding your triggers.

In January I cut gluten out of my diet.  I read Clean Gut by Alejandro Junger and did the 28 day cleanse, eliminating ...

The WARMTH of wool

It's been a pretty cold winter this year.  It's for that reason I'm so thankful for my Christmas present.  I actually ...

Dogs Shall Not Pass....

We have two dogs that don't respect the "Don't sleep on my bed" rule, OR the "don't drink out of the toilet" rule, or ...

I'm a Draft Dodger!

It's FREEZING.  Like minus 30 degrees freezing. So last night I whipped this up for the front door where it seemed we ...

Homemade Caramel Recipe

Every year I try to make some things to give away at Christmas.  2013 I opted for Homemade Caramels, Peanut Brittle ...

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2014!  At midnight I was standing outside looking at this.... No moon, no clouds,(no writing) just stars ...