
by - August 19, 2009

So the truck is packed and we are going to the beach when I discover......

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  1. Better mud than what Michael woke up to at 4:30 this morning. Our pooch developed a bowel issue over night, (might have to do with some steak I thought would be a treat for her yesterday).
    Unfortunately, Kallie sleeps with Mike...pillow, bed floor, Michael...Kallie herself.
    In situations like these, I am more trouble than good, (there wold have been a new kind of mess to clean up), so both Michael and Mark left me alone and did the clean up before I ever got up this morning.
    Mind you, after hearing about it, I am still not ready for breakfast!
    Hope your beach day was not too delayed.

  2. I am suddenly 1. not hungry and 2. thankful for mud!! Poor Michael and Mark!

    It's funny, she just seems to get into EVERYTHING. I guess I'm just not used to having a "toddler" around anymore!

  3. I laughed when I saw your cute pup but am glad she is YOURS! lol
    ...Then I read Jenny's comment and I am feeling faint. hahaha Just kidding! But, I bet Michael will be less likely to want to share the bed with Kallie tonight!!!!

  4. LOL! Too funny. So, how long did it take to clean her up? I need to ask cause I need to prepare for when Keegan gets his dog.

    Jen, after reading your comment I don't think I will be encouraging him to sleep with his dog.

  5. It actually didn't take long. I just turned the hose on her and gave her brief breaks to breath. It was probably 35 that day so she dried almost instantly!
