
Place Butt Here

My kids are not the most gentle creatures when entering and exiting a vehicle.  So it came as no surprise to find my thin cotton seat covers ripped to shreds.  It was just a matter of time.  So when I started looking around for replacements I knew I...

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Hope you had fun Matey!

Well, I hope you all enjoyed International Talk Like a Pirate Day on Sunday!  We had a blast, we went to church all ...

Pirates love coffee

I would be negligent if I didn’t supply a means for everyone to get their morning cuppa joe! Large Coffee ...

Greeting fellow Pirates

You can meet up with other Fans of International Talk Like a Pirate Day… they have a Facebook page, like who doesn’t ...

August Book ~ The Poisonwood Bible

Oooops!  I thought I had posted my August book, my bad!  A Great Book! The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver ...

Countdown to AARRGGGG!!

Well, it’s that time of year again… the day you’ve been waiting for… International Speak Like A Pirate Day.  This ...