
Delusions of grandeur

Yesterday I painted a sign for our business. On Saturday there is a grand opening at the market where we are selling this summer and it was suggested by the other vendors that a sign is always a good idea.OK, so after painting the sign I set it...

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Fastest hat on record

Well this is officially the fastest I have finished a project... probably because I really wanted to wear it!! Of ...

Rules are made to be...

We had a great time at Skeleton Park Music Festival yesterday. The rain was a downer but I'm shocked at the number of ...

Terrify the wildlife

Well, I have discovered something so relaxing, yet rejuvenating and thrilling that I have to share. I fear that my ...

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow..

OK so last week we got some pretty freaky weather... and I hear we are not alone. We left for church and the sun was ...

Home, for a day or two

Well we are back in Kingston for a few days. We came back for Track & Field for the boys but it was postponed because ...