
Pizza Sticks with Roasted Red Pepper Dip

So ya have some leftover dough from your buns (see HERE) and you want to eat something yummy. Well prepare yourself for something great…. Roll out your dough into a 1/4 inch thick rectangle. Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with garlic powder, and any herbs you like. ...

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Burger Buns... so fast they should wear a cape!

I found a recipe for fast burger buns and thought I would try them.  The process is a bit different from anything I ...

Cookbook guilt

I bought a new cookbook.  I have quite a NUMBER of cookbooks.  Justifying the need for another one is not easy, but ...

The longest crochet project of my life….

Some of you might remember this picture from 2010.  It was my gift to my husband last Christmas.  I’m pleased to ...

Tea… it’s not just for drinking anymore.

Last night my children were a little put out that there had been no dessert for quite a while.  Unfortunately, I ...

Resolutions Past & Present

If you recall, last year I resolved to read a book a month.  No problem.  I think I went a bit off the rails in ...

My Favorite Whole Wheat Bread

HAPPY NEW YEAR!I know I've posted a bunch of bread recipe's, and at the time they really are my favorite.  BUT.  My ...