
13 going on 91 !!

Well it's the time of year when 12 legs get hoisted into the back of the pickup truck for our annual Birthday Cone Extravaganza! Yesterday was Boda Zapha's birthday (he's the black dog on the right) and Zeke the Freak has a birthday in a few days, they...

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Hedgehog Anniversary

We have a hedgehog.  It was given to us by the Pilgrim Family and we are so gratefull because we just love every spiky ...

A few cakes from May

Despite my recovery I allowed myself to play with a bit of sugar this month... here are a few pictures. The top two ...

Things your surgeon fails to mention....

You might have noticed I haven't been around here much recently.  My apologies.  I had a hysterectomy 4 weeks ago and ...

The Story of Stuff

OK, I LOVE the Story of Stuff. But, did you know there is also The Story of Bottled Water? The Story of Cosmetics? The ...


Sometimes when my husband goes out the dogs do some pretty freaky stuff.  Just recently while my husband was away for ...

Sweet Potato Heaven

Well I decided I better post something from the recipe book I felt so guilty about buying…(see here)  just to prove I ...

Yoga’s in the bag…

I’m out to deliver some yoga bags I just completed.  Here are a few images.  It’s amazing what you can do with ...

A few more cakes…

February/March was a really busy time for cake making!  Here is a rundown on some of the more recent stuff… A Jungle ...

February & buttercream

 I love doing baby shower cakes.  They are always fun to do! Baby shower cake ~ boy After the baby shower came my ...

My VW Bus

Every winter I get a bit antsy to do some truck painting.  My loving husband took this into account at Christmas and ...

Pizza Sticks with Roasted Red Pepper Dip

So ya have some leftover dough from your buns (see HERE) and you want to eat something yummy. Well prepare yourself ...

Burger Buns... so fast they should wear a cape!

I found a recipe for fast burger buns and thought I would try them.  The process is a bit different from anything I ...

Cookbook guilt

I bought a new cookbook.  I have quite a NUMBER of cookbooks.  Justifying the need for another one is not easy, but ...

The longest crochet project of my life….

Some of you might remember this picture from 2010.  It was my gift to my husband last Christmas.  I’m pleased to ...

Tea… it’s not just for drinking anymore.

Last night my children were a little put out that there had been no dessert for quite a while.  Unfortunately, I ...

Resolutions Past & Present

If you recall, last year I resolved to read a book a month.  No problem.  I think I went a bit off the rails in ...

My Favorite Whole Wheat Bread

HAPPY NEW YEAR!I know I've posted a bunch of bread recipe's, and at the time they really are my favorite.  BUT.  My ...