
Sweet Potato Maple Soup

I love this soup.  It's one of my favorites.  I went into a bit of trauma tonight trying to find the recipe and it took about an hour but I finally put my hands on it!  Yeah for me!  So, I'm posting the recipe for your benefit, because...

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My husband found me a new compost bucket!  I'm pretty excited about not having to use the bucket with a pie plate ...

The Vegetarian Pulls Beef

Yes, I am a vegetarian.  That doesn't mean I don't live with a bunch of carnivores.  I thought I would share my ...

Are you a Junkie Too?

From Organizing Junkie's Pinterest Page! I just recently discovered "I'm an Organizing Junkie!"  I love stalking this ...

Harvest Time = Sleep Deprivation

I’m super excited about the apples, but I’m even more excited about the 6 wood crates I picked up at the same time!  ...

Lavender Brewing

Fresh leaves in oil. I had a nice crop of lavender this year but I got very few flowers.  I didn't want it to go to ...

Crying over chopped onions

No Frills had their onions on sale recently.  The 10 lb bags were $1.49.  I bought 2 bags.  What can I say, I'm a ...


I have been meaning to make ketchup for quite some time.  I ran out the other day and since necessity is the mother of ...

Chocolate Quesadillas

  We just got home from our annual week of camping with a huge group of GREAT friends.  I just wanted to share this ...

Easy Bean Burgers

Easy Black Bean Burgers 15 oz. can black beans, rinsed and drained 2 tbsp. ketchup 1 tbsp. yellow mustard 1 tsp. onion ...

Black Bean Burgers I found on: welcome to my brain . net

welcome to my brain . net: Black Bean Burger Tacos OK So you have to give these a try!  I was reading Welcome to my ...


I trust everyone got their strawberry picking in.  The berries around here were excellent!  I made strawberry jam and ...

Six Sisters' Stuff: 25 Delicious Camping Recipes

Six Sisters' Stuff: 25 Delicious Camping Recipes If you camp, especially with kids, you have to check this out!  Great ...

Xavier Rudd has a new album!

This is SO exciting, he hasn't released anything since 2010! ... Continue ...

Truck 3.0

I got bored again, this is not news to most people. It's not even close to being done but at least the big artwork is ...


Well, after 1 whole year of having no internet at home we finally bit the virtual bullet and got internet here at ...


My first tulip has reared it's pretty head!! My first tulip has reared it's pretty head!! ... Continue ...


We have a new composter for our kitchen waste!!  So exciting!  We have two other composting systems, both of which we ...

Our new tribe member.

I'm a little late in introducing our newest tribe member!  Meet Big Louis..... He's a little guy with a lot of ...

Cast Off Matey!

Well the blessed cast is finally gone.  Here are a few pics. Not a happy camper! This is what it looked like by the ...

Soup you can make on one foot!

This is my current favorite soup.  I like that my kids can make it for me with a bit of instruction and I can do as ...

Cast 2.0

Well on Thursday I got my second cast on.  I went with a Iroquois Purple!  I haven't decided how I'm going to decorate ...

Plaster of Anguish

Well I haven't written anything here for such a long time!!  Due to recent events you might be seeing more of me, I ...