
Me vs. Nature... huh?

Well I am currently in a fight against nature... or more specifically with raspberries. We have millions of them in front of our place. The problem is it's a flat area that is perfect for playing but pulling a soccer ball out of the thorns is proving a...

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Ink Addicts

I don't know what you do on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, but a pretty regular occurrence in our family is to fill ...


Last night at dinner I was struck by the number of males I am surrounded by. At my feet were two male dogs, at my ...

The Legend of the Hippie Moose

Everything about that day seemed brighter, sweeter, and more alive. It was a day the Hippie Moose will never forget ...

Bancroft Farmers Market

Just to let everyone know that last week we signed up for the last spot available in the Bancroft farmers market!! We ...


Well, I have had some requests for pictures of my new dreads. Here they are at three weeks.... Dave did them for me ...

Laundry Day

When you have two boys you do laundry... a lot of laundry. To try and cut down the sheer volume we went to a second ...


Words can be pretty powerful things. I confess I rarely think about them or even contemplate my use of them... they ...